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martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Trip to Madrid

When we were told we had dinner at nine o'clock in the evening, I was preparing myself to arrive on time to the dining room. At eight and a half I got downstairs and I started to look after anyone of my classmates in order to find where to go because I did not remember (or I did not listen) where the dining room was. The result of my lack of attention was me searching for it almost an hour and getting late there because, as I started thinking when I got upstairs quickly to find out If I had mislooked it at any room of the superior floors, It was down below the hall... I was lucky enough to invent a story about my luggage in order to not get punished and it worked!

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

My favourite book

The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides

One of my all-time passions, as I’ve been saying in further entries, is reading. For that reason I’ve got an important list of titles I could expose to all my readers. From Drama to Science Fiction, I’m an avid reader who likes to discover all kinds of situations and genres in general and for that, also, the variety of the books I keep at home (or in other’s home as I am too lackadaisical in what having order among my belongings concerns) is also wide. 

But, in between my collection of favourite books, I can count the romantic and beautifully described Memoirs of a Geisha or the impressively-written British classic Pride and Prejudice. I also love Aleph, from Paulo Coehlo, and the Harry Potter books, which marked my childhood and encourage reading more in order to strengthen my linguistic capabilities.

Even though, last year I had the opportunity to read another book I have been interested in and that a friend of mine recommended me so intensely I had to put its reading in my list of priorities: The Virgin’s Suicides. This book tells us the story of the five Lisbon sisters, all tied up to very severe parents who do not allow their blonde princesses to experiment what adolescence has in store for them (Gosh, I am being to literary again, sorry) That’s why they end up making a pact that will change their lives forever and, of course, the ones surrounding them. It is written lovely and not only plays with the sister’s lives but also with the boys who, astounded by their beauty, follow the girls day and night to solve the mysteries set around them. The book is incredibly compelling at every part, oozing a feminine while powerful vibe reader can’t resist to.

Of course The Virgin Suicides is such a strong recommendation I suggest to every drama fan who’s reading me at this moment. You really won’t regret!


My favourite celebrity

If I have to write about my favorite celebrity I could extend myself from on and on without even stopping because I do have loads of referents and people I do like. From the mesmerizing Bette Davis to business man Donald Trump, there are a lot of options.

Nonetheless, my chose is the always irreverent and horribly underestimated by Oscars Quentin Tarantino, a man who always does what he wants despite what other people may say. He just doesn’t give a damn thing and does whatever that pleases him, always with a touch of maniacal sophistication that has been praised, on the other hand, by critics all over the world.

Strange? I don’t think so because Tarantino’s made a name for himself as a cinema legend while escaping from the conservative ambience that reigns in Hollywood and that’s something modern critics and audience have learnt to appreciate no matter their tastes guides them to. Even when things do not go as he planned, this Tennessee-born director makes it to create another story that keeps people liking him more and more. So, to other directors that may do not find his work radically innovative and original, Tarantino’s here to stay.

Here I leave one of my favourite movies of all-time and Tarantino's best masterpiece, the trailer of Pulp Fiction.


My favourite band

I am a great fan of cruelly true music but, as well, of good tunes and hidden intentions in every letter and sound so that’s why I despise rap and I love intensely bands such as Suede, Elastica and the Gainsbourg saga of singers. Most of them are not actual bands, they have disintegrated so now I like singers such as the belgian Lykke Li or the darkly romantic Benjamin Biolay.

But among the old good bands my favorite, with no doubt, is Pulp, a british Britpop band that succeded in the nineties and liked to mix commercial sounds with dubstep and bebop influences in their songs. I long to buy every CD they release (or released, they are way too old and too cool to try to fight against Bieber or Lady Gaga) because of, for example, the irreverent sounds and dialogues they include in their songs and their incredibly intelligent and sardonic lyrics.

Here I leave my two favourite songs of this band, even though almost every single they released please me infinitely. Now, yes, you can call me a groupie:

Razzmatazz by Pulp    

Common People by Pulp

My favourite song

Ton Heritage - Benjamin Biolay 

Si tu aimes les soirs de pluie

Mon enfant, mon enfant
Les ruelles de l'Italie
Et les pas des passants
L'éternelle litanie
Des feuilles mortes dans le vent
Qui poussent un dernier cri
Crie, mon enfant

Si tu aimes les éclaircies
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Prendre un bain de minuit
Dans le grand océan
Si tu aimes la mauvaise vie
Ton reflet dans l'étang
Si tu veux tes amis
Près de toi, tout le temps

Si tu pries quand la nuit tombe
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Si tu ne fleuris pas les tombes
Mais chéris les absents
Si tu as peur de la bombe
Et du ciel trop grand
Si tu parles à ton ombre
De temps en temps

Si tu aimes la marée basse
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Le soleil sur la terrasse
Et la lune sous le vent
Si l'on perd souvent ta trace
Dès qu'arrive le printemps
Si la vie te dépasse
Passe, mon enfant

Ça n'est pas ta faute
C'est ton héritage
Et ce sera pire encore
Quand tu auras mon âge
Ça n'est pas ta faute
C'est ta chair, ton sang
Il va falloir faire avec
Ou, plutôt sans

Si tu oublies les prénoms
Les adresses et les âges
Mais presque jamais le son
D'une voix, un visage
Si tu aimes ce qui est bon
Si tu vois des mirages
Si tu préfères Paris
Quand vient l'orage

Si tu aimes les goûts amers
Et les hivers tout blancs
Si tu aimes les derniers verres
Et les mystères troublants
Si tu aimes sentir la terre
Et jaillir le volcan
Si tu as peur du vide
Vide, mon enfant

Si tu aimes partir avant
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Avant que l'autre s'éveille
Avant qu'il te laisse en plan
Si tu as peur du sommeil
Et que passe le temps
Si tu aimes l'automne vermeil
Merveille, rouge sang

Si tu as peur de la foule
Mais supportes les gens
Si tes idéaux s'écroulent
Le soir de tes vingt ans
Et si tout se déroule
Jamais comme dans tes plans
Si tu n'es qu'une pierre qui roule
Roule, mon enfant

I have always found mister Biolay the reincarnation of Serge Gainsbourg, one of the most talented singers and writers France has ever given birth not only by its sharp, sad, but gargantually true lyrics but because of his affected while sultry voice.

I personally thing this song, in particular, concentrates all this characteristics and at every note, at every letter, oozes a sad while majestic feeling that can transport us to a specially dark day in the bowels of Paris. And, eventually, through Paris to the listener’s life. This song is not about prancing but for feeling, without boundaries neither reservation.  

My social life

It’s the friends you can call up at four a.m. that matter.
" - Marlene Dietrich

The things I like to do the most in my free time are, actually, two: reading and going out with my best friends.
The first one because I have almost born with a book in my hands (it’s kind of an heritage; mom reads a lot) and I find amusing travel through other places and centuries, interacting with a vast variety of characters and living lives you could not have ever lived. Well, at least that’s my dreamer, particular vision of what reading means.

The second one springs from a compulsory necessity of being connected to other people. I have to admit that in the mean time I have been having such an interesting, rich and diverse social life, there’s no doubt at all about that. In fact, sometimes my parents argue with me about that but keeping contact with your friends is such a fantastic adventure no one can say it is boring at all. Oh, god, now I am being extremely cheesy. Excuse me.

Due to the required accuracy of this present entry, let’s go to develop the second one more than the first one in order to get a good mark.

My group of friends is, as I have been saying, very far from a monotype of people. I do have good friends who are preppies, rastas, and a lot who are actually normal so It is hard to define oneself from his or hers group of friends. Oh, well, at least in my case. My best friend ever, as people who are reading this blog may know, is Maria Vilchez, who is a student in First of Bachelor. In the same cue I only can think about Andrea Gimenez, this little beautiful thing from my class, and Sara Aguilera, another beautiful thing but in a way more large size. Then I share a great friendship with almost everyone in my class and I find especially funny going out with people such as Martí, Xavi, Carlos, Conchi, Lidia and Marta Moure who never fail to provide me a smile. Outside school I always count on Lorena, a lovely nurse-wannabe who lives near my home in Bufalá and a funny rasta cutie called Laura, the outspoken Jaume and some other people I can’t number because of time and space.

In what the sport concerns, well, I am not a very sporty person and I am afraid to say I have never enjoyed sports. I don’t play neither like football nor basketball and any variety they can present to me. I can see a match if it is important and the spots covering the event ensure a great time but I usually do not enjoy them and I find myself reading a book or talking through computer with other friends while my family see all those players kicking a ball through a pitch.

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