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martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Trip to Madrid

When we were told we had dinner at nine o'clock in the evening, I was preparing myself to arrive on time to the dining room. At eight and a half I got downstairs and I started to look after anyone of my classmates in order to find where to go because I did not remember (or I did not listen) where the dining room was. The result of my lack of attention was me searching for it almost an hour and getting late there because, as I started thinking when I got upstairs quickly to find out If I had mislooked it at any room of the superior floors, It was down below the hall... I was lucky enough to invent a story about my luggage in order to not get punished and it worked!

1 comentario:

Eva dijo...

Hi Mario,

very sensitive and well-written. Final mark: 10

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