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miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

My favourite band

I am a great fan of cruelly true music but, as well, of good tunes and hidden intentions in every letter and sound so that’s why I despise rap and I love intensely bands such as Suede, Elastica and the Gainsbourg saga of singers. Most of them are not actual bands, they have disintegrated so now I like singers such as the belgian Lykke Li or the darkly romantic Benjamin Biolay.

But among the old good bands my favorite, with no doubt, is Pulp, a british Britpop band that succeded in the nineties and liked to mix commercial sounds with dubstep and bebop influences in their songs. I long to buy every CD they release (or released, they are way too old and too cool to try to fight against Bieber or Lady Gaga) because of, for example, the irreverent sounds and dialogues they include in their songs and their incredibly intelligent and sardonic lyrics.

Here I leave my two favourite songs of this band, even though almost every single they released please me infinitely. Now, yes, you can call me a groupie:

Razzmatazz by Pulp    

Common People by Pulp

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